The International Society for Research in Human Milk and Lactation
The International Society for Research in Human Milk and Lactation


The ISRHML Trainee Interest Group (TIG) is a vibrant and growing sub-organization for trainees within ISRHML. Trainee members (affectionately known as TIGers) include undergraduate and graduate students and post-doctoral fellows who are participating in research related to breastfeeding, human milk, and/or lactation.

The ISRHML TIG organizes and develops activities aimed at supporting the academic and career development of our trainees. TIGers enjoy access to professional development webinars, quarterly newsletters, networking and leadership opportunities, and more! ISRHML, in collaboration with the Family Larsson Rosenquist Foundation, also offers funding opportunities for TIGers to support travel, learning, and exchange at host institutions abroad.

Interested in becoming a TIGer? Click here to learn more about how to apply. We hope you’ll join us!