The International Society for Research in Human Milk and Lactation
The International Society for Research in Human Milk and Lactation



The primary purpose of ISRHML is to promote research related to human milk and lactation and provide opportunities to exchange research results. Conferences and other activities organised by ISRHML provide opportunities to present and discuss up-to-date scientific knowledge. They also create the opportunity for non-commercial and commercial entities involved in research and healthcare to interrelate with scientists and other health professionals involved in human milk and lactation research, given that research and development in the life sciences involve and often require the collaboration of a broad spectrum of actors from public and private organisations. Relationships among research, healthcare, and commerce (such as pharmaceutical, nutritional, biotechnology and device [e.g., breast pump] companies) have driven innovation in research and medical care, contributed to the well-being and economic strength of the community, and provided significant resources (financial and otherwise) for research and professional education, with potential benefits to the public as well as mothers and infants. However, the interests and obligations of research, healthcare, and commerce can diverge. An increasingly urgent challenge for all partners is to devise ways to preserve strong, productive collaborations for the benefit of research, healthcare, and the public, while at the same time ensuring clear and effective actions that manage relationships that could undermine public good and public trust.

These ISRHML Guidelines on Interaction with Commercial Entities build upon and complement the “Guidelines for Accepting Funds from External Sources” in the ISRHML bylaws, which have been approved by the ISRHML membership. The ISRHML Interaction Guidelines propose standards for ISRHML and its officers regarding the management of financial relationships with commercial entities and their affiliates that may have a direct interest in activities of ISRHML, and it defines strategies for mitigating the potential for such financial relationships to influence ISRHML activities in undesired ways. These Guidelines aim to maximize the benefits of relationships between ISRHML and commercial entities that may contribute to the research and educational missions of ISRHML, while minimizing the risks of potential conflicts of interest. These Guidelines do not provide guidance related to activities unrelated to ISRHML, such as research grants or other scientific and educational activities of its members which are guided by general scientific, ethical, and institutional standards.

Sources Used

1. Code of Conduct of the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN)
2. The International Pharmaceutical Congress Advisory Association’s (IPCAA) Code of Conduct and Medical Congress Guidelines and Housing Guidelines
3. Code for Interactions with Companies from the US Council of Medical Specialty Societies
4. Code of Conduct. Healthcare Professionals and Scientific Organizations. Members of the Alliance for Biomedical Research in Europe.
5. Conflict of Interest Policy, Association of Neurovascular Clinicians.

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