The International Society for Research in Human Milk and Lactation
The International Society for Research in Human Milk and Lactation

COVID-19 and Breastfeeding

Presented by Diane Lynn Spatz, PhD, RN-BC, FAAN on Tues, May 5, 2020. This presentation will review the various international recommendations and limited research studies related to human milk and breastfeeding and COVID-19 and discuss the conflicting recommendations. Despite conflicting recommendations regarding direct breastfeeding and skin to skin contact, all recommendations support the use of […]

Complementary feeding and commercial complementary food

Presented by Melissa Theurich, BSc , MPH, IBCLC on Tues, June 2, 2020. Commercial complementary foods are some of the first foods fed to infants in Europe. They make up a substantial proportion of diets of European infants and young children over the first two years of life. This webinar will review European and international recommendations […]

Research of Human Milk for Feeding Preterm Infants in Serbia

Nikoleta Lugonja, PhD Assistant Research Professor at the Institute of Chemistry, Technology & Metallury, National Institute at the University of Belgrade Serbia Research of Human Milk for Feeding Preterm Infants in Serbia About 4,000 children are born preterm in Serbia every year. Breast milk is both food and medicine for premature babies. The First Serbian […]

The Human Milk Microbiome

Presented by Dr. Maria Carmen Collado on Tues, July 7, 2020. Current evidence highlights the key role of early microbial colonization in promoting later health. Perturbations in this colonization process caused by factors such as C-section delivery, antibiotics, prematurity, etc., have been associated to a higher risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) later in life as […]

Human Milk Oligosaccharides: Current Research Activities and Challenges

Presented by Prof. Dr. Clemens Kunz on Tues, August 4, 2020. In recent years, the interest in human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) is exploding primarily due to the breakthrough in manufacturing HMOs on a large scale which can be used for commercial purposes. Hence, we are at the beginning of a new era in infant nutrition, […]

Functions of the milk fat globule membrane in human milk

Presented by Prof Magnus Domellöf, MD, PhD on Tues, Sept 15, 2020. Breastfeeding is associated with many health benefits in the infant, including improved cognitive development and a reduced risk of infections. Human milk is a complex emulsion of fat globules surrounded by a triple phospholipid membrane, with membrane-bound complex lipids and proteins. Components of […]