The International Society for Research in Human Milk and Lactation
The International Society for Research in Human Milk and Lactation

Impact of pregnancy complications on breast milk, breastfeeding and infants: Where are we now?

Professor Mary E Wlodek Professor, The University of Melbourne, Visiting Professor, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, National University of Singapore Impact of pregnancy complications on breast milk, breastfeeding and infants: Where are we now? Infants born from complicated pregnancies often show altered growth during infancy and are at increased risk of NCDs. As the placenta and breast […]

Association between maternal nutritional status and concentration of proteins in human milk in China

Dr. Zhenyu Yang Research Professor, National Institute for Nutrition and Health, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention Association between maternal nutritional status and concentration of proteins in human milk in China Maternal nutritional status changed dramatically with the rapid social and economic development in China. It remains unclear whether maternal nutritional status is related […]

Bacteria in Human Milk: Do They Really Make a Difference?

Professor Mark Nicol Clinical microbiologist & Professor of Microbiology in the School of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Western Australia. Holds an honorary appointment at the University of Cape Town. Bacteria in Human Milk: Do They Really Make a Difference? We studied the human milk (HM) metabolome and microbiome in women participating in a […]

The Variability of Lipids in Human Milk

Jayashree Selvalatchmanan, PhD Student Singapore Lipidomics Incubator (NUS), Agilent Technologies The Variability of Lipids in Human Milk Lipids in breastmilk play a critical role in infant growth and development. However, few studies have investigated sources of variability of both high- and low-abundant milk lipids. We measured the levels of 237 lipid species from 13 sub-classes […]


Africa Regional Webinar: Low exclusive breastfeeding rates in South Africa: The stories behind the numbers Description Despite national efforts to promote exclusive breastfeeding (EBF), South Africa’s EBF rate in 2016 was only 32%. This community-based mixed-methods study examined the rate of EBF discontinuation and the lived experiences of breastfeeding mothers within a prospective cohort study […]

Breast/Chestfeeding Without Nursing:

Breast/Chestfeeding Without Nursing: ISRHML TIGer Dr. Fiona Jardine will discuss her research on exclusive pumping and ethical considerations in the field

Human Milk in the Time of COVID-19

Presented by Prof. Sertac Arslanoglu on Tuesday, Dec 1, 2020. Following the first reported case in December 2019, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has infected over 57.8 million people resulting in more than 1.3 million deaths worldwide. COVID-19 in children seems to be milder with respect to adults, yet infants younger than […]

Advances in Human Milk Microbiome Research Down Under

Dr. Lisa Stinson Microbiologist Ecologist, University of Western Australia Advances in Human Milk Microbiome Research Down Under Over the past two decades, increasing research attention has been paid to the human milk microbiome. The community of micro-organisms in human milk likely contributes to infant microbiome seeding and immune training, as well as to mammary health. […]